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By April 30, 2020May 5th, 2020No Comments

Chris Warkentin, Member of Parliament for Grande Prairie – Mackenzie, joined Conservatives in proposing a new program to match students with essential food supply chain jobs.

“Canadian farmers and producers in our food supply chains are facing a critical shortage of workers,
due to COVID-19,” Warkentin said “This shortage has the potential to disrupt production and could translate into higher costs at the grocery store for Canadians.”

Conservatives are proposing that the government create a new program to match students and youth employees with jobs in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Like the Canada Summer Jobs program, this program would cover the minimum wage of a new student or youth employee. This wage could then be supplemented by an additional stipend paid for by the employer.

“Farmers and producers have told me they need more support and could benefit from this type of program. This is a great opportunity to introduce young Canadians and students to great careers in farming and agri-business.”

Businesses looking to augment their existing workforce this year would have an opportunity to apply immediately. Employers would also be required to ensure that proper workplace safety measures were in place to protect all employees.

“Conservatives will continue to be part of Team Canada and put forward constructive solutions to improve government policies and programs. We look forward to the government engaging further with the agriculture sector to develop an action plan and ensure that no one falls through the cracks.”